


賽事時間表 Race Schedule 2024 / 2025
25-08-2024 CH10K 比賽成績 / Race Reult

The43.5kg Plastic bottle(Sha Tin Recycling Station) has been recycled on race day, Thank you.

資助「慈悲香港2020」收據 / Subsidize "MercyHK 2020" Receipt

相片/ Photos】12345
【報導/ Post】
: 12

10-11-2024 15K

比賽詳情 / Race Details

網上報名 / Online Entry

後補車票 / Order Bus Ticket

<FULL 額滿>

【報導/ Post】: 1

背心樣式 / Singlet sample

12-01-2025 SM10K

比賽詳情 / Race Details

網上報名 / Online Entry



預計日期 Expected Date
(DD / MM / YYYY)

賽事預告 Expected Race
25 / 08 / 2024 第廿一屆「中興盃」荃灣10K—超級夏日挑戰賽
The 21st Annual "Chung Hing Cup" Tsuen Wan 10K —Super Summer Challenge Race
10 / 11 / 2024 RMAC黃金海岸15公里賽2024
RMAC Gold Coast 15K 2024
12 / 01 / 2025 第十五屆 PEGASUS 石門十公里賽
15th PEGASUS Shek Mun 10K Race
19 / 01 / 2025 萬宜地質跑半馬拉松2025
High Island GEO Run Half-Marathon 2025
16 / 03 / 2025 RMAC「沙田10K」河畔賽 2025 (第19.5屆)
The 19.5th RMAC Shatin 10K Classic Riverside Race 2025



Please support the charitable green organization in HK -- The Green Earth

Through sustainable policy research, green civic education and corporate companionship, The Green Earth aims to cultivate
"Cherish the Earth" and "Zero wastage" value in the community.

Events Go Green 綠惜活動資訊平台 



公平棧 - 公平貿易之橋樑 / 
Fair Taste – Connects You to Fair Trade


Spread the joy of fairness. Get the Fair Party started

FAIRTASTE is a Hong Kong-based social business devoted to
promoting Fair Trade, responsible consumption and building a sustainable future



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© 2024 Hong Kong Marathon Pro

本網頁最後更新時間是 Last Updated: 23.10.2024 0:20

good hits

SINCE - June, 2015